Opting In & 10DLC Campaign Registration Approval

How your clients opt-in for texting is the most important information you can share for campaign approval.

The TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) and guidelines set by the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association) are designed to protect consumers and prevent spam. These regulations require written permission from the consumer through an opt-in process and opt-out options for individuals to revoke their consent. This empowers consumers to manage the content and frequency of text messages they receive.
When signing up for 10DLC Campaign Registration, you will be asked for your opt-in method. So, you will want to be prepared to share your webpage or physical form that contains your opt-in privacy information and request for client consent.

A Few Best Practices

  • Post a Privacy Policy:  Post an easily accessible privacy policy on your website that specifically states that the individual's information is private and will not be shared or sold.
  • Message With Consent:  Do not send text messages to individuals who have not explicitly opted in to receive them. Unsolicited messages violate the regulations and can lead to penalties.
  • Obtain Opt-In:  Consent from individuals must be acquired before sending them text messages. This can be done through a form submitted through your website or a physical form they fill out and submit in person. Giving consent needs to be initiated by the individual that would be receiving the text and not something that is automatically assumed. Your website or form should clearly outline your privacy policy for individuals to review and agree to before opting in.
  • Send Appropriate Content:  The CTIA and mobile carriers monitor and enforce the type of content that can and can't be sent. Make sure that the content of your text messages follow the necessary regulations. Steer clear of any  S.H.A.F..T. content- S.H.A.F.T. refers to content about sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco (violations carry fines).
  • Allow For Easy Opt-Out:  Remember to always include a simple opt-out option in every message.

By including straightforward and transparent opt-in language on your website and other promotional materials, you are demonstrating your willingness to follow regulations and honor consumers' choices. This strategy not only boosts the chances of your 10DLC registration being approved, but also helps build trust and positive connections with your audience.