Topics Covered: Call Quality, Call Failure, Registration Issues
The steps in this section should be performed for every troubleshooting procedure, regardless of the reported issue or suspected cause. In addition, it’s crucial to collect and monitor log data. Following these simple rules will help you to quickly identify and resolve customer problems.
The first step in troubleshooting a call quality issue is to peer up a phone on the customer’s context from your location.
- If you can replicate the problem, there may be an issue on the Simplicity side of the network.
- Contact Simplicity Client Services for more information.
- If you cannot replicate the problem, then the issue may be due to something in the customer’s network.
- Check the customer’s ISP status first.
- If the ISP is not experiencing problems, run a PCAP (packet capture) diagnostic such as Wireshark on the customer’s network.
The best way to start troubleshooting call failures is to collect call examples and do live testing.
- Run a PCAP on the network during live testing and review SIP Messaging data.
- Make test calls On Net and Off Net
- Call examples should be formatted as follows: (Calling Party) → (Called Party) @ 00:00Pm/AmEST “What happened on the call”
(For example: 2152974400 → 2152974407 @ 12:27PmEST “Calling party received a Fast Busy”)
- First try and "peer" the SIP information on a softphone with the credentials to verify it can register to the server. (This will determine if the original device is configured incorrectly.)
- If you cannot register the SIP information on multiple devices, contact Simplicity Client Services.
- If you can register the SIP information on a softphone, then you need to further diagnose the registration problem.
- Run a PCAP on the network and examine Register Event data.
- Check log data from the device attempting to peer for a cause code for failure.