When upgrading from analog to virtual fax, how do I ensure the best performance?

Mode of transport is crucial, especially if you receive longer faxes and want to avoid timing out or extra cost.

There are a few considerations when upgrading from analog to virtual fax, the most important being transport mode. The two main relay methods for FoIP (Fax over IP) are T.38 and HTTPS. They each have their points of consideration which  we will discuss in this article.

A T.38 fax relay transmits over IP networks without converting to an audio stream. While it can be effective in a closed network, there are some drawbacks to be aware of:
          * ECM (Error Correction Mode) has a hard time dealing with it and needs to be disabled
          * Transcoding adds to latency, which adds to cost and can lead to packet loss
          * Trouble connecting when congestion is high & susceptible to jitter which leads to packet                            loss, making T.38 less suitable for use with longer faxes

HTTPS uses a request/response model and chunked transfer encoding which are compatible with general internet functionality.  With HTTPS, issues like latency, packet loss, and congestion are non-existent thanks to its efficient data transfer method. This allows for seamless handling of longer faxes without any interruptions or additional costs.

For maximum reliability and consistently high-quality faxing performance, Simplicity opts for HTTPS as the preferred fax transport method in our VFax solution.

Click here for more information about Simplicity's VFax solution.